Chen Yangjian's Blog

Carpe diem - Seize the day

Linux Turns 17 Today.

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路人甲:再过一年 Linux 妹妹就要十八岁了。在座的诸位应该都知道这意味着什么了吧?hiahia


有人 触景生情讲到 Hurd:

I can (well, almost) hear you asking yourselves “why?”. Hurd will be out in a year (or two, or next month, who knows), and I’ve already got minix.

This brings tears to my eyes… I didn’t know, that Hurd was already in development back than… And 17 years later… it’s still not done… Even the Firefox spell checker does not know it… It recommends “Turd”. lol Hey, it does not know “Firefox” too. Oh well…

Think of what happened if Linus had waited* for Hurd instead…

  • Is that correct English? It’s not my first language… I don’t know…
