Chen Yangjian's Blog

Carpe diem - Seize the day

Google 创立者(larry & Sergey)买了架战斗机

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Slashdot 上的消息

The NY Times reports that H211 LLC, a company controlled by Google’s top executives, including billionaire founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, appears to have added to its fleet a Dornier Alpha Jet, a light jet attack and advanced trainer aircraft manufactured by Dornier of Germany and Dassault-Breguet of France.

The 1982 Alpha-Jet seats two and was originally used by European air forces, but is now being sold relatively cheaply to civilians. The jet has landing rights at Moffett Field, the NASA-operated airfield that is a stone’s throw from the Google campus.

It is not clear who exactly flies the fighter jet, although Google chief executive Eric Schmidt is an avid pilot. If the top Googlers indeed own the fighter jet, they would be following in the footsteps of Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison, who has owned several aircraft, including fighter jets.

粗略翻译如下:纽约时报报道说一个股沟高层执行官(包括亿万富翁股沟创立者 Larry Page 和 Sergey Brin) 控制的公司 H211 LLC(好奇怪的名字)给它的舰队增加了一架轻型战斗机,由德国 Dornier 和法国 Dassault-Breguet 制造的 Dornier Alpha 喷气式战斗机。 该战斗机在由 NASA 维护的距离股沟校园咫尺之遥的 Moffett 机场有权降落。

不知道谁会驾驶这架机器,不过股沟的首席执行官 Eric Schmidt 是个灰常有欲望的飞行员哦。 如此,股沟的高层们将紧跟 甲骨文首席执行官 Larry Ellison (为啥牛鼻的人都叫 larry)的步伐,那厮也有几架飞架,包括喷气式战斗机。

Dornier Alpha Jet

据说微软也有动作, 他们将要安装地面防护设施。有人预测命令与征服V的主题就是:微软 vs. 股沟。

有 slashdotter 喷股沟二君,称他们不够慈善。下面这段维护者的话说得不错:

So everyone with more money than you should give it all to charity?

You think those starving children in Africa wouldn’t go out for a meal at a fancy restaurant if they were given a billion pounds? Then perhaps buy some nice shoes? They could just use it to buy everyone in their country just the right amount of food to make sure they’re not classed as ‘starving’ for a while, but I highly suspect they might want to enjoy themselves a little too. They might even buy a bike or a car. You know, some people like to have fun occasionally, when it is within their means?

I’m very sure Larry and Sergey have caused more money to go to charity [] than you ever will. Just because they also want to use their money - money that they have earned by creating an excellent business - to have a bit of fun doesn’t make them evil. It’s easy to point the finger, but I bet you’d buy a nice car and house if you were a billionaire, rather than live in a slum. Any of us slashdotters could survive on a lot less than what we have. Why do you even have a slashdot account and access to a computer? Why aren’t you out there earning as much money as you can so that you can redistribute the wealth?

The problem is not with our “consumerist culture”, it’s with corrupt and moronic governments who run their countries into the ground and treat their citizens like shit. No amount of charity is going to turn a country like that around if its leaders are corrupt.
