Chen Yangjian's Blog

Carpe diem - Seize the day

听 Stan Veit 讲那 Apple 过去的事情

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Stan Veit 是 Computer Shopper 的首任编辑,在他担任这一职位之前他还曾与车库时期的 Apple Inc. 有过一段孽缘。其时,Steve Wozniak 正在鼓捣 Apple I,而 Steve Jobs 正在拿鼓捣中的 Apple I 到处招摇撞骗。Stan Veit 是他缠上的另一个取款机。六页文章具体内容是这样的:Steve Jobs 四处推广 Apple I 原型(当时 Woz 做了一款类似 demo 的玩意叫做 the Game of Life)的时候认识了男猪脚 Stan Veit。作为 Steve 当时认识的为数不多的好心的有钱人之一,Stan Veit 给两位年轻的 Steve 不少助力。不过可惜的是,他拒绝了 Steve Jobs 提出的投资 10,000 换取 Apple 10% 股份的提议。后来的故事就是 Woz 创造了 Apple II,Apple 勾引到风投(VC,Venture Capitalism),作坊摇身变成公司。时至今日,自然有好事者问男猪脚有没有后悔当初拒绝 Steve Jobs 的提议。“要知道,当年的 10k 到今天可就是数 billion 了。” Stan Veit 很老实的说当时他实在没钱,现金都套牢在自己的店铺上了。

再后来,Stan 到 Steve Wozniak 家做客,Woz 的妈妈恰巧也在桌上。聊到当初 Apple 初创的那段经历,Mrs. Woz 提到:

“Don’t feel bad, you were not the first person Jobs offered stock in the company for a small investment. When the boys needed printed circuit boards, Jobs offered an interest in the company to the man who did the boards. However they managed to pay for the boards and the man never got any stock. When Apple went public, Jobs would not give stock to several employees who made the Apple possible. My son gave them stock out of his allotment, or they would have never benefited from the long hours and devotion they put in to start the company. If you had given Jobs the money, he would have found a way to keep you from getting the stock.”

Steve Jobs 这孩子打小不乖,当初最喜欢拿 Apple 股份招摇撞骗,没钱了就问人空手套白狼。拿到钱之后,只要有盈余一定是还钱而不是原来允诺的股份。把股份看得最重的就是丫。当初 Apple 上市的时候,有几个将 Apple 变为可能的员工没有得到任何股票。我的乖儿子 Woz 从他的股份中拿出一些给了他们。不然那几个可怜的家伙只能竹篮打水一场空啦。

看完本文最大的感受就是:这才是个合格的 Jobs 黑。
