Chen Yangjian's Blog

Carpe diem - Seize the day


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今天又跑出去找索尼的客服去了,我的第一台电脑 S16C 终于又从三姨那拿回来了,只是变了砖。以前拿它跑过两三次客服,不开机了、风扇坏了,等等。当初下血本大洋五百换的风扇,这体弱多病的本如今故态复萌,又开不了机了。

下午在寻找客服的路上花费了不少时间…… Google Map 的路牌定位不可信…… 顺便记下索尼的杭州客服地址,和与地址不服的地图……



下午和晚上陪妹妹又看了《阿甘正传》,IMDB 最二百五(IMDB Top 250 的直译,哈哈)的电影确实都让人百看不厌…… 一直好奇演丹·泰勒中尉的家伙是不是真是无腿人,在 IMDB 上的花边里头终于发现这么一条:

Gary Sinise’s lower legs were wrapped in a special blue fabric that allowed them to be optically removed from the film by computer later.


The park bench that Tom Hanks sits on for much of the movie was located in historic Savannah, Georgia, at Chippewa Square. The fiberglass bench he sat on has since been removed and placed into a museum to avoid being destroyed by the weather. The church where the feather first falls is about 100 yards just down the street from his bench. The bench is currently held in the Savannah History Museum, Savannah, Georgia.

