Chen Yangjian's Blog

Carpe diem - Seize the day

Google 10 岁了!摘抄 /.

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今早起来看到 /. 上的关于股沟即将十周年的楼。我04年才算真正开始上网,自然不会像他们那样不胜唏嘘。不过,看了首页的评论,有许多都很有意思。

有个家伙贴了股沟当初的服务器的样子,里头有一台居然使用乐高搭起来的,囧。有求是的家伙声明用的是 Duplo。还有人贴出了其他股沟老服务器的链接,也有个某人博客上的比较连贯的按时间顺序发展过来的全景

然后有人开始八为啥股沟和当初的其他搜索引擎不一样,能够流行并占据统治地位。说 Google 是第一个比较适合用来在口语里头当动词的:

Of all the search engines, Google was the best name to use as a verb.

“All this time I thought ‘Googling yourself’ was the other thing.” – Marge Simpson


I disagree. Imagine the conversations if Microsoft’s service had caught on:

“Dude, have you seen Japanese tentacle rape?” “Yeah, I Lived it!”

也有求是的说股沟当初并不希望别人这么用,因为这样会使品牌弱化。反面教材就是 Xerox,它已经成为口语中 Copy/Duplicate 的同义词。而 Google 和 Photoshop 倒是目前为止一切安好。

Unfortunately for Google (and Adobe, and Xerox) what they want people to do doesn’t matter. Fortunately for the Google and Adobe, when people talk about “googling” or “photoshopping” they are still usually using their products. Unlike the large number of people making xeroxes on their Canon copier.

自然也有人拿股沟的不咋地的 Privacy 策略说事:

I don’t know, well before 2002. I’m sure they know the exact date!

忆往昔的人不少,有人说忘记股沟出现以前的搜索引擎有多糟糕太容易了,结果冒出个拿前股沟员工搞出来的新搜索引擎 Cuil 开涮的家伙。

Nah, it’s easy to remember how bad search was before Google. Someone has set up a very handy page [] to remind everyone.

还有好事者喷股沟老是 beta。

Google Beta Turns 15

向大家推荐 Slashdot /.
