Chen Yangjian's Blog

Carpe diem - Seize the day

China Announces Launch-Success Details — Before Launch

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What’s next, a fake moon walk? Nothing like a guaranteed success


They are going to hire Michael Jackson to train their astronauts to avoid that problem.

有好事者建议雇前不久知天命的 Michael Jackson 童鞋来教他们“漫步”。

That’s far too reasonable. Surely China is simply preparing for it’s fake moon landing program, to show it’s just as advanced as the US in fake space programs. Eveyrone knows the moon landings were really filmed in a soundstage on Mars!


It looks like we’ll be seeing $2 time machines imported from China any day now….


Also leaked was a transcipt for their prospective moon landing…

Shenzhou 11: Base this is Shenzhou 11. Shenzhou has landed. Jesus H. Christ Base, We’re on the fucking moon. Over.

Base: Roger, Shenzhou, we copy you. We cannot believe you are on the fucking moon. Repeat: Cannot fucking believe it. Over.




“Did these people go to a regular journalism school, or some kind of Bizarro-world journalism school where they teach a combination of news writing and creative writing?”

Close, they got internships at Fox Networks.


Personally, I’m not all that impressed by this incident. The Chinese lied about putting people in orbit? Please. Our government faked an entire moon landing. They have a long way to go before they’ll catch up with us.

