Chen Yangjian's Blog

Carpe diem - Seize the day


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Dear reddit, I’m a little worried. I’ve just overheard a conversation discussing a persons CV for a programming position at my company. The gist of it was a person with experience in ASP.NET (presumably VB or C# code behind) and PHP can in no way be considered for a programming position writing code in a “C meta language”. This person was dismissed as a candidate because of that thought process.

As far as I’m concerned web development is programming, yes its high level and requires a different skill-set to UNIX file IO, but it shouldn’t take away from the users ability to write good code and adapt to a new environment.

What are your thoughts??

作者遇上的这个还算是可以理解了,软件开发行业 专业性越来越强, 许多方向都是易学而难精。最可怕的就是碰上面试官或者金主跟你聊着聊着, 突然冒一句,“这么贵的啊, 我外甥女花了两个星期也用 Windows 上那个什么 Front 什么的软件也做了个网站诶”。
