
lighttpd | apache

Jake's Free House For Fun.

lighty or apache

speed vs. stability?


是一个俄罗斯人写的,在俄罗斯似乎比较流行,排名紧随 lighty 之后,不管怎 样,支持竞争把。这两个很象,同样都是嵌入 perl,同样追求轻量级,贯彻简 单就是美的原则。相对而言后者比较稳定,lighty 的 debug 工作还很漫长。感 兴趣的话自己 google lighttpd vs. nginx 就知道了。

the HTTP protocol

GET & POST in form

What is important to note is that when the POST method is used, the content type of the message is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. This content encoding type:

- Specifies normal data encoding - Converts blanks to plus (+) signs - Converts non-alphanumeric characters to hexadecimal numbers preceded by a percentage sign (%) - Places an ampersand (&) between each name=value pair

According to this encoding scheme, the message (name=Sally McDonald and email=smc@yahoo.com) must be encoded as


GET 与 POST 的区别在于,GET 将消息放在消息头中传递。长度限制,其一;安 全性,其二。

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a request-reply application protocol which supports a fixed set of methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and so forth. The GET method is commonly used to request resources from a web server. Here are two sample GET requests:

- GET / HTTP/1.1 - GET /names.html HTTP/1.1

In addition, you can use both the GET and POST methods to send data to the server. These methods, however, have different ways of sending data to the server:

- GET method: The input data is sent as part of the URL. - POST method: The input data is sent as an entity body in a separate message.


conf Basics

debian's modified conf file structure

debian 中对这两个 web 服务器的配置文件都做了分割,因为它们本身都有支持 mod 动态扩展的特性,所以在 /etc/ 的相应目录下又有两个文件夹分别是:

read /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/README first

lighty's conf file

所在目录我前头已经说了。它的配置文件使用 perl 写,我就是因此学的 perl。

PHP installation

with fastcgi (lighty)

in apache



